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Those of us who run the Christian Learning Center could spend hours telling you about what the CLC is and what we do... instead, why not let our students tell you how the CLC has helped them grow as disciples of Jesus.
"I love CLC. I have met good friends and learned so much about my faith, the Bible, and how to act. Every time I come I learn something new. We study the Bible and learn how we can apply this to our lives. We learn about moral truths and spiritual truths. We go in deep about what we are learning and always use our Bibles. CLC has definitely made me think about what my faith is like and many things about the Bible. I have also met many new friends in CLC."
Adam, 6th Grade
“I think foundations has impacted me a lot by thinking more about God and praying more. Also understanding and being grateful for what Jesus and God have done for me. Journaling in this class and also answering questions has helped me think about it more. Overall this is my favorite class and I will be in this class next year.
Emma, 7th Grade
“My experience with CLC has been positive. We have learned much about apologetics and this class has strengthened my trust in God and Christianity. I am currently not 100% a believer, but through our learning about apologetics, I have learned much from this class that I did not know before. I appreciate Mrs. Chelsea teaching us when school cannot. This class has been a positive experience.”
Gage, 8th Grade
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